Sunday, June 19, 2011

God is good!

I just wanted to tell everyone how good God really is.If you have read my blog lately, you know about the fund raisers that we have been working on at our church for the kids to go to camp. We had our first one last weekend and when it was all said and done, we had raised a little over $700. This puts us almost half way to where we need to be. Now tell me that God isn't good! We are taught in the bible that God will provide our needs and all we have to do is have a little faith. I think this is what is getting us going with all we are working on. You see, we must first realize that we aren't able to do anything without His help and let Him take control. Although this is a big problem for some of us, I feel that we are finally getting the picture. I believe that God wants all these children to go to camp and He will make a way for that to happen. God is good.Our next fund raiser will be a car wash on July 9 at the main branch of Texas Bank in Henderson, let those cars get dirty and let our kids wash them for you. It wouldn't be right for me to blog on Father's day and not wish all the fathers a happy one. We should thank them for all they do, but most of all, we should thank our Heavenly Father for providing a way for us to escape Hell. That is true love. God bless.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Well, according to the media, the rapture will be occuring tomorrow evening. Unfortunately, there are still so many people who aren't prepared for this to happen. You see, the Bible tells us that those who don't put their faith and trust in Jesus will perish and spend eternity in Hell (yes it is a real place). The mathematicians who calculated the return of our Savior apparently have never read the part of the Bible that says that no man knows when Jesus will return. I feel sorry for those lost people who believe that this is an occasion for celebration when in reality it will be a time of great sorrow for them. If we knew that the rapture was for sure going to happen tomorrow, what would we be doing today? As Christians, we have the obligation to spread the true word of God and show the lost world how much Jesus loves them. If we know that the return of Jesus is at hand, just like it was when He ascended into Heaven, why don't we live that way every day? I am not sure when it will happen, but what I do know is that time is short. The Bible also tells us that we are supposed to go into the world teaching, so let's get to work! God bless.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Youth Fund Raisers

Just letting everyone know that our youth group at Gum Springs MBC is working on a couple of fund raisers to help out with the expense of church camp. I, as the youth director at our church, feel that God has blessed us because this year we will have more campers than ever attending camp. With that comes the problem of funds. As a group and church, we are collecting aluminum cans to cash in before we leave. If you or anyone you know has aluminum cans laying around that you would like to donate, you can contact me at (903) 646-4386 and I will make arrangements to get them from you. Also, we are having a garage/bake sale on June, 11 2011 at the church located on Hwy 42 across from Jordan's plant farm. All money raised here will also be given to the youth. I would like to invite everyone to come and shop the goods or just buy some cookies (whatever you prefer). We will start at about 8am and go until we sell out or the rapture takes us home. I am also looking for people who feel led by God to help by sponsoring a child or even donating part of the registration fee which by the way is $80 per camper. Hope to see you or hear from you soon. God bless.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Front Porch Singing

Just wanted to let anyone who may read this know that on May 14th at 2:00 we will have a singing at our church. This is the fourth year we have done this and it is a great blessing to all who attend or perform. The way we work it is a little different in that we set up the equipment on the front porch of our church and the audience sits in the yard in their lawn chairs. I woul like to personally invite everyone to attend. Our church is called Gum Springs Missionary Baptist and is located on hwy 42 south of Henderson close to Jordan's Plant farm. If you would like directions, just comment on the blog here and I will make sure you find your way. God Bless.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Getting Ready

The time has come once again for me to start preparing for camp. We have about a month before I have to turn in our pre-registration and we already have 15 signed up to go. I want everyone to know that I am excited. Right now, our church is working on some different ways to raise funds for all these people to go to camp. We have started saving aluminum cans, we will be having a garage sale and we will have a car wash. Other than these things, all of our funds will come from donations. I ask that everyone please keep our youth and their fundraisers in your prayers. Remember this: if ye ask not ye will receive not.Oh, I almost forgot YOU CAN HELP TOO!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Our pastor preached a sermon Wednesday night that has got me to thinking. The sermon was titled "is it right", and it was just one of those sermons that hit close to home. In the world we live in today, we accept alot of things as right that are not. If you think of your daily routines and actions, how many of them are right in the eyes of God? Made you cringe didn't it? As Christians, we have an obligation to seek what is right in the eyes of God and not what we can justify as being right. How do we know the difference? Well, fortunately God left us a list of things that are right and wrong (are you ready for this??)IN THE BIBLE. Seeing as how we all study and read the Bible so that we gain more knowledge, this shouldn't be a problem. Now for those who do not read and study, it may be time to start so that the difference in right and wrong is easier to see. I do not write this to offend anyone, I just feel that everyone deserves the right to know(myself included). Also, as Christians we have the obligation to teach others about God and His will for us, but if we don't know right from wrong how can we succeed. With all that being said, I leave you with this: A man once told me that he did not want to come to church because they were all full of hypocrites and I informed him that there was always room for one more.(Think about it). God Bless.