Friday, May 20, 2011


Well, according to the media, the rapture will be occuring tomorrow evening. Unfortunately, there are still so many people who aren't prepared for this to happen. You see, the Bible tells us that those who don't put their faith and trust in Jesus will perish and spend eternity in Hell (yes it is a real place). The mathematicians who calculated the return of our Savior apparently have never read the part of the Bible that says that no man knows when Jesus will return. I feel sorry for those lost people who believe that this is an occasion for celebration when in reality it will be a time of great sorrow for them. If we knew that the rapture was for sure going to happen tomorrow, what would we be doing today? As Christians, we have the obligation to spread the true word of God and show the lost world how much Jesus loves them. If we know that the return of Jesus is at hand, just like it was when He ascended into Heaven, why don't we live that way every day? I am not sure when it will happen, but what I do know is that time is short. The Bible also tells us that we are supposed to go into the world teaching, so let's get to work! God bless.

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