Thursday, August 6, 2009


I would just like to point out how blessed we are. We get too wrapped up in what we don't have and the negative things in life and we just don't pay attention to all the good that is around us. Seriously, how many of us look at the situations we are involved with and immediatley find the good things? Not very many because we always look at the troubles or the bad things that are going on first so we can start fixing them. Every day that God allows us to get out of bed is a blessing from Him that we should thank Him for especially since this is not guaranteed to us. I believe that if we would start looking for the good in things first, we may see just how blessed we really are. Believe it or not there are good things out there that are happening all around us if we will only look. Today's words of wisdom: Don't count your chickens before they hatch, you may want scrambled eggs instead.