Monday, August 3, 2009

Three Salvations

We have just finished up our Vacation Bible School for 2009 at Gum Springs MBC. It is only the second one that has been held at our church in the last 25 years. Last year we believed that God wanted us to have a VBS even though we don't really have that many children in attendance at our church, and we were blessed with 40 children the first night. This year we had put a little strain on ourselves to have VBS since we were trying to finish up our new Sunday School building before we had it. Once again God has shown us that his power is much greater than ours and he gave us the strength of each other to get the building finished in time. Our preacher brought a message on the strength that we can have by working together, and he used the passage where the Israelites were fighting the Amalekites and Joshua and Hur had to help Moses hold his hands up so the Israelites would be victorious. He really used that to describe us! I think his sermon humbled the hearts of all our members and made us realize how great God is. During the week of our VBS, we had three children that accepted the Lord as their Saviour! Praise God! I would like to put their names here so that we can remember them in their new walk with Jesus: Dylan Morgan-age 9, Tre'Nicia Starling-age 9, and A J Hendrix-age 9. You can imagine the way that the teacher (my mother-in-law, Rita Wallace) of the 7-9 year olds felt when she realized what had happened in her class. This news was too good not to share, but I had better get to work now. God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Great news about all three and I am especially thankful for AJ. Bro. Paul
