Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Too Many Irons in the Fire

You have heard and probably used the expression "too many irons in the fire" at least once in your life, well let me tell you I have been living it for the past month. In the last four weeks I have gone on a 7 day cruise (which was amazing), gone to church camp (also amazing), finished out the inside of our 1200 square foot Sunday School building (tiring), taught Vacation Bible School (really amazing) and tried to keep up with everything else that I am supposed to be doing. I have been telling myself that if I can just get through July everything will slow down, but I remember that I have been telling myself that for a number of months now. I believe that most people have their lives packed full of this and that which leaves little time for self. What tends to happen is that we start prioritizing all of our activities and typically as humans we are usually wrong because we will put us first then others. You see, the world that we have grown up in has taught us that we are to look after ourselves first and then everyone else. The problem with this theory is that the Bible teaches us to put the needs of others first and then our needs will be provided. If everyone is concerned with the needs of others, then we sould all be taken care of. Right? Wrong! Even when we try to follow this teaching we still tend to want to pick the others whose needs we are to provide and this, while seeming a good deed is not what was intended. When Christ hung on the cross, He did it for the need of all the people that were alive then, and all the ones that were to come. He did not pick and choose whose life was important to Him, He believed that we all were important. So, the point I am trying to make here is that we should be just as concerned with the needs of a complete stranger as we are the ones of our friends. Today's words of wisdom: Take nothing for granted because tomorrow it could be gone.

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