Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Work is Good

In the world we live in today, the things that are viewed as normal and right are exactly what the Bible says are wrong. How is it that we have declined so far over such a small amount of time? In my opinion, it is our fault that the world has gone the way it has. That's right, us Christians are at fault and we have to stop blaming the ones that are lost. We must realize that they don't know any better until we tell them. When Jesus ascended to heaven, He told us to go and make disciples of everyone. When we choose not to do this, then we can blame no one but ourselves for the shape of our world today. When it seems that attendance is up in church and the offering is looking good, we often times stop working and that is when real problems start. There should be no plateau when working for God, the work should continue on until we are at home with Him in heaven. We were put here to work, so let's get out there and do what we are supposed to be doing. God Bless.

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